I would like to remind you that we expect all students to aspire to achieve 100% attendance and that the minimum expectation for attendance is 96%. Statistics clearly show that the students who attend school regularly make the most progress and therefore significantly increase their life chances.
The following is important information for all parents:
- Morning registration starts at 8.45am. Students arriving after this time will be marked as late.
We therefore request that all students are in school by 8.40am. - If your child is going to be absent, please inform the school by 8.30am every day that your child is absent. This can be by phone or by emailing Futures Institute Office
Phone: 01295 257942
Email: office@futures-aspirations.org - Every effort must be made to ensure medical and dental appointments are made outside school hours but we acknowledge that this is not always possible.
- Any absence must be followed up in writing to explain the reason for absence. When appropriate, the academy will request proof of ill-health (eg, a letter from a hospital, a GP’s appointment card).
- If no reason has been provided for a period of absence, or the reason is deemed to be invalid, the student’s absence will remain unauthorised for that period.
- The law states that any student becomes a persistent absentee when they miss 10% or more schooling for whatever reason. If the student’s attendance record shows that either he/she has become a persistent absentee or is at risk of missing at least 10% of schooling, then the parents/carers will be informed and a meeting will be arranged in order to resolve any issues.
- Persistent lateness is also a cause for concern, and meetings will be arranged for parents/carers of students who are developing a pattern of arriving to school late.
- Any requests for holidays to be taken during term-time will not be given authorisation. A penalty notice warning letter is sent out at the beginning of every school year, and penalty notices will be issued directly to any parents who take their child out of school for an unauthorised holiday during term-time.
- Should students require time off for religious observance, the academy will authorise one day of absence per academic year.
- In cases of persistent absenteeism, the school reserves the right to ask the County Attendance Team to either issue a Penalty Notice Warning or take further legal action through the Magistrates’ Court system.
I would also like to inform you that the academy arranges termly reward trips for students with an excellent attendance and behaviour record. Information will be made available about these trips every term.
Julia Ingham, Head of Futures Institute Banbury