See our Exams page for exam timetables and other useful exam information.

Year 13 Mock Exam Timetables January-February 2022

Arrangements for collecting Exam Certificates

Futures Institute Year 11 and Year 13 certificates for Summer 2021 exams are now available for collection.

Collection time is between 9am – 3pm daily (school days only). Face coverings have to be worn when arriving on site unless you are exempt in which case you must provide proof.  Year 11 leavers collect from Ms Plank at Futures Institute; Year 11 students now in Year 12 from Ms Katie White; Year 13 leavers from Wykham Park reception.

If you are unable to collect them yourself, you must write a short letter authorising someone to collect them on your behalf. This person must then sign for them and provide ID on collection. If there is no authorisation letter we will not be able to release your certificates.

Mrs T Salisbury
Exams Officer

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